FOKUS Patient Future Days

FOKUS Patient Future Days

Monday 17 March 2025, at 09:00

ELITE Palace Hotel, Sankt Eriksgatan 115, Stockholm

The challenges for healthcare and the life science industry are huge. How to handle the major causes for severe diseases and to reduce the number of deaths within the area of Communicable Diseases like virus and bacterises, which is really something that affect us all in our daily life? And Non-Communicable Diseases where cancer and cardiovascular diseases reaps a large number of lives every year together with connected diagnoses?
These areas are prioritized by WHO, UN and EU - so how do we deal with them in Sweden, and not the least the NCDs? The number of elderly is growing and with that, the comorbidities where we need to understand more about the connections between them. How can we increase knowledge, keep the trust for science and society and at the same time stimulate innovations in healthcare for the benefit of the patients?

Welcome to an event where you as a delegate can interact and network together with all kind of stakeholders in healthcare and life science!

Booking type Price Quantity Price / Quantity

1295.00 SEK

Participation one day, 17 March including lunch & two coffee breaks

1295.00 SEK

Participation one day, 18 March including lunch & two coffee breaks

1995.00 SEK

Two days participation 17-18 March including lunch & two coffee breaks

595.00 SEK

Participation one day including lunch & two coffee breaks

595.00 SEK

Participation one day including lunch & two coffee breaks

995.00 SEK

0.00 SEK

We invite you to a Networking Event with some food, drinks and music! NOTE: We will use a No-show fee on 400 SEK for those who do not cancel their registration 3 days before the event.
