
Program, more info and contact details you find at motesplatssteneby.se
On 6th March 2025, Careers Conference #2 will take place in Dals Långed – a conference about collaboration as a key to success in the cultural sector.
In this second edition of the Careers Conference, we focus on the importance of collaboration, organizing in clusters, and gaining strength together with others. We do this with cheering, exploratory, and captivating material.
The conference is aimed at cultural creators, designers, artists, craftsmen, cultural project managers, artisans, producers, etc. who want inspiration about different career paths to take in an artistic professional life. Both students, professionals, and perhaps above all that crowd who have just thrown themselves into professional life but don't know where to start, are welcome to participate! This is also the conference for civil officials in culture and business, to be inspired and discover what KKB, the creative and cultural industries can bring to society and demand in working life.
We also plan a Training Day on March 7th if you want to participate on that occasion? More info on Mötesplats Steneby's website at the end of January 2025.
Producers of Careers Conference #2 is Mötesplats Steneby, Förvaltningen för kulturutveckling VGR, Bengtsfors kommun, Stenebyskolan, HDK Valand Campus Steneby.
The conference is made possible through the project Change Creators, a Creative Europe project.